The niche will consist of people of all ages from millennials enjoying the aesthetics and near artisan production of a vinyl record collectors purchasing new premium.
Deloitte vinyl records.
The strength of deloitte s records and information management team is its people.
According to deloitte new vinyl records and revenue will enjoy a seventh consecutive year of double digit growth in 2017.
With the addition of used vinyl discs record players and accessories global revenue from vinyl related products is expected to reach nearly 1 billion in 2017 deloitte global predicts.
Further cooling things deloitte also says that vinyl records will never be the main event.
This would be the first time they ve been that high since the turn of the century.
Of this figure 90 per cent will be from new and used vinyl records with the remainder.
Deloitte predicts that sales of vinyl records turntables and accessories will approach 1bn 800m globally this year.
Dttl and deloitte nse llp do not provide services to clients.
We provide benefit to our clients by leveraging the broad multidisciplinary skills and the extensive experience of our practice to create solutions configured to help.
Mostly from new records but also from used discs and record players it will generate globally.
Instead wax will always play second fiddle to digital which is at the start of its own mega explosion.
The practice consists of professionals with extensive practical and consultative experience in the field of records management.
This year approximately 40 million new vinyl records will be sold generating roughly 800 million according to a forecast by deloitte global.
Deloitte global foresees a steady but niche number of music fans who will remain interested in the format but does not expect this niche to expand much.
Please see about deloitte to learn more about our global network of member firms.
The records and information management group of deloitte understands this and offers a multidisciplinary approach to the governance and management of organizational records.
Deloitte llp is a limited liability partnership registered in england and wales with registered number oc303675 and its registered office at 1 new street square london ec4a 3hq united kingdom.
But the slice of the pie is still a very small one with broader music.
Additionally some of our professionals hold the certified records manager crm designation and are prominent.
While the market for vinyl is small it is likely to remain an important niche segment for buyers ranging from millennials to older adults.