Threadbare synonyms threadbare pronunciation threadbare translation english dictionary definition of threadbare.
Define threadbare carpet.
The threadbare carpets were covered by cheap rugs the bed had a thick straw pallet for mattress and the sheets were threadbare and grubby but they had slept on worse it has high filigreed ceilings and threadbare carpet a winding native wood staircase cracked stained glass.
Having the nap worn down so that the filling or warp threads show through.
Threadbare clothes carpets and other pieces of cloth look old dull and very thin.
Meaning pronunciation picture example sentences grammar usage notes synonyms and more.
How to use threadbare in a sentence.
Threadbarely synonyms threadbarely pronunciation threadbarely translation english dictionary definition of threadbarely.
Meaning pronunciation translations and examples.
Threadbare material or clothes have become thin or damaged because they have been used a lot.
1 of cloth clothing etc old and thin because it has been used a lot a threadbare carpet.
Synonym discussion of threadbare.
Threadbare definition having the nap worn off so as to lay bare the threads of the warp and woof as a fabric garment etc.
Having the nap worn down so that the filling or warp threads show through.
Threadbare definition is having the nap worn off so that the thread shows.
2 of an argument excuse etc that does not have much effect especially because it has been used too much.
Threadbare material or clothes have become thin or damaged because they have been used a lot.