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Dudley street fighter gutter trash.
Since i want to do at least a couple so most likely they will be in sketch format.
The title holder of the best in the united states has no shape in front of me 全米一のタイトルホルダーも私の前では形無しだな exquisite and bold.
Dudley just doesn t have time for anybody s shit.
Street fighter c capcom.
Dudley is a well built black man with sea blue eyes sporting a pair of green dinner suit trousers with matching green suspenders and cummerbund as well as a white dress shirt.
He is a well mannered english boxer with a disdain for dirty fighting.
Introduced in street fighter iii.
This is the essence of a boxer 精緻かつ大胆 これぞボクサーの真髄 is this a practice game.
Dudley just doesn t have time for anybody s shit.
New generation dudley is a british boxer and perfectionist both in and outside the ring.
I thought it was a bit unsatisfactory これは練習試合ですかな.
Dudley s new english va is gutter trash.
Gutter trash street fighter 3 volcanicalubak.
Street fighter by waraulol.
When his father s prized automobile is stolen dudley pursues a man named gill leader of the illuminati and final boss of the game.
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