Deeper still a dim bioluminescence radiates ominously from the mouth of a cavern avoided even by most inhabitants of the gutter.
Ds2 the gutter lore.
The gutter is a location in dark souls 2.
The statues will shoot poison darts at the player.
The gutter is a location in dark souls ii.
Legendary puzzlemaker and inventor pharros was likely thrown in befriended the rat bros and eventually went hollow.
2 points 5 years ago.
When the undead curse came around all of the undead and some of aldia s experiments were thrown in.
Its lore is reminiscent of the valley of defilement from demon s souls and aesthetically it is an amalgam of that world and blighttown from dark souls.
The gulch underwent significant changes in the scholar of the first sin expansion.
Interesting observation lore theory in the gutter discussion so just recently i ve been paying attention to the geography of the gutter because i think it s a very mysterious and largely unspoken of area in the game other than the fact that it s hella annoying to get through and it s dark and whatnot.
The gutter is basically a hole that people threw all their trash into.
This lightless hell is the resting place of all that the kingdoms of ages past wished to forget echoing with the bitterness and despair of those who were thrown away.
A forsaken area of darkness and poison where things are abandoned and since forgotten.
Deep within the earth beneath majula lies an anarchic settlement of filth and chaos built by the forsaken souls cast into the pit.
It is very similar in appearance to blighttown from dark souls.