Siding construction the outer covering or cladding of a house.
Drop siding definition.
The symbol for darmstadtium.
All content on this website including dictionary thesaurus literature geography and other reference data is for informational purposes only.
Mcgraw hill dictionary of architecture and construction.
Drop sid ing buildingweatherboarding having its upper edges narrowed to fit into grooves or rabbets in its lower edges and its backs flat against the sheathing or studs of the wall.
Called also matched siding novelty siding.
Sidings often have lighter rails meant for lower speed or less heavy traffic and few if any signals.
An exterior wall cladding of wooden boards or strips of other material such as aluminum or vinyl which are tongued and grooved or rabbeted and overlapped so that the lower edge of each board interlocks with a groove in the board immediately below it.
Also called novelty siding.
It s when siding is installed by putting nails through the face of the siding exposing the nails rather than hiding them.
Definition of drop siding.
1 wwpa t g siding 106 s2s drop edge square edge 2 wwpa t g siding 116 center v s2s bevel edge 3 wwpa t g siding center match butt joint 1 4 tongue 4 wwpa t g siding center match butt joint 3 8 tongue 5 wwpa t g siding wwpa center match smooth butt joint 1 4 tng 6 wwpa t g siding center match smooth cm butt joint 3 8 tng.
Drop siding synonyms drop siding pronunciation drop siding translation english dictionary definition of drop siding.
A siding in rail terminology is a low speed track section distinct from a running line or through route such as a main line or branch line or spur it may connect to through track or to other sidings at either end.
All pages with titles containing siding.
Drop siding definition weatherboarding having its upper edges narrowed to fit into grooves or rabbets in its lower edges and its backs flat against the sheathing or studs of the wall.
Building siding with a tongue and groove edge joint or a rabbeted or shiplap joint.
Fascia or fascia board is a board that runs horizontally and covers the joint or intersection of the top of an exterior wall and the overhanging lower edge of a roof.