Paracolic gutters function to drain fluid that leaks from the colon such as infectious matter pus or bile and to prevent infection or damage to the outer margin of the colon.
Draining the paracolic gutters without surgery.
Its origin lies on the right side origin of the right paracolic gutter lies at the ascending portion of the colon at the right hepatic flexure or the point where the ascending colon turns at a right angle to form the transverse colon.
We measured the drain output daily and noted a marked increase fig.
1 from 50 120 ml d from all the drains before the administration of nac to up to 500 ml d from the drain in the paracolic gutter 9 days after starting nac.
This drainage occurs in much the same way that the gutters on a house draw the rain off the roof.
Transcutaneous endoscopic necrosectomy for walled off pancreatic necrosis in the paracolic gutter article pdf available in journal of clinical gastroenterology 52 5 1 july 2017 with 114 reads.
During the index admission abscess drainage was performed in 21 patients of which 19 patients were successfully managed without surgery on the index admission and two patients ultimately required surgery.
Overall 104 78 patients underwent successful conservative treatment whereas 30 22 patients underwent surgery during admission.
Therefore we instilled 6 ml of 10 nac into the drain in the left paracolic gutter every 3 4 hours.