Acid wash your pool.
Draining and cleaning a gunite pool.
Leave the pool unattended for about 15 minutes.
This pool is permanent and has cement sides built directly into the ground.
As the pool is draining clean out any debris or leaves that may still be floating around.
Your main pump can loose the vacuum and may not be able to get it back.
However in order to get rid of all of the water a pump is needed.
City water can stain the pool don t throw your hose on the ground of the poll and leave in the same place.
Rent a submersible pump to drain 70 to rent at a pool store.
Start draining the pool.
This swimming pool is mostly drained for repairs.
Inground pools made of concrete or gunite are susceptible to popping out of the ground if drainage is not done properly.
Most pools are professionally whitened using acid cleaners from time to time.
Scrub the pool walls with your scrubbing utensil.
This is not something that you can practice all of the time as it involves a purposeful stripping of a thin layer of pool plaster.
Once empty physically remove debris with shovels and brooms using hose with power nozzle to wash dirt to the puddle.
Draining a concrete or gunite pool is a fairly easy process.
If permanent stains do develop you can drain your pool water and acid wash your pool if it has a plaster liner.
Using a tumbler sprinkle some of the muriatic acid cleaning mixtures across the gunite pool.
However if you live in an area that is extremely wet or has recently experienced heavy rains you may be better off hiring a.
A gunite swimming pool should not be left empty for very long.
In general draining this type of pool is the trickiest.
Proceed with cleaning the entire pool with a garden hose.
Drain pool and periodically spray sides of pool to loosen dirt and grime.
The pool itself will have a drain and filter that will partially drain the pool.
You can try to find an ascorbic acid cleaner at a local pool store and use it to clean the stains but it cannot be mixed with chlorine so dechlorinated the pool or empty and clean it.
Do not drain a pool if it has rained recently the pool can float up big problem with spas.
Methods are available that will reduce cleaning time and give you successful results when cleaning a dirty stained gunite pool.
The acid decomposes all the stains into small deposits that can be easily washed away.