Tuff r commercial insulation has reflective radiant barrier quality facers on both sides of the board.
Dow super tuff r commercial insulation.
Ask your dow representative for details.
Tuff r commercial and super tuff r commercial insulation products are distributed through an extensive network.
Foam insulation features radiant barrier quality aluminum foil facers on both sides for durability and is energy star compliant for savings.
The super tuff r r 13 2 in.
It is lightweight and installs easily.
Three ply poly aluminum foil facers laminated to the high performance polyisocyanurate foam core enable exceptional durability and water vapor resistance.
Tuff r commercial insulation features a patented high performance polyisocyanurate foam core with reflective foil facers on both sides providing additional durability.
Tuff r commercial insulation features a patented high performance polyisocyanurate foam core with reflective foil facers on both sides providing additional durability.
Tuff r helps reduce air infiltration through the wall by covering cracks between the framing members and sealing tightly against the studs.
The other is a tri plex facer consisting of a three ply laminate of durable kraft with aluminum foil on both sides.
Foam insulation features 3 ply facers for durability and moisture resistance and is energy star qualified for savings.
As with all dow polyisocyanu rate insulations tuff r and super tuff r insulation prod ucts are manufactured with hydrocarbon blowing agents which have no ozone deple tion potential.
For more information contact your local dow representative or call 1 800 232 2436.
The super tuff r commercial facers are composed of a rein forced coated three plypoly mer foil facer on one side.
It is lightweight and installs easily.
Te chnical service s.
Dow super tuff r sheathing 4 x 8 super tuff r insulation is one of the most durable and thermally efficient insulation products offered for residential applications today.
Tuff r commercial insulation is used in commercial construction behind a minimum 1 2 gypsum board or equivalent thermal barrier interior finish.
Tuff r commercial insulation is used in commercial construction behind a minimum 1 2 gypsum board or equivalent thermal barrier interior finish.
Dow tuff r and super tuff r are available in thickenesses ranging from 3 8 to 2 and in 4 x 8 4 x 9 and 4 x 10 boards.
When addi tional durability is required super tuff r commercialinsu lation is the product of choice.
For features and benefits of tuff r and super tuff r insulation products refer to table 1.
On tuff r insulation one facer is a continuous sheet of aluminum foil.
The super tuff r r 6 5 1 in.