The correct direction for laying hardwood floors.
Direction of engineered flooring in a long narrow hallway upstairs.
This is an option for single rooms or where only a few rooms are receiving the flooring.
The sight lines of the floor and walls match making the hallway.
Running the planks the length of the entire home is one option and very common.
We have mostly slab foundations in this area and with engineered floors you have more flexibility.
Whenever you are placing wood flooring in a hallway or any long and narrow area it should run in the direction away from the doorway.
Uneven walls another important thing to take into account when laying hardwood floors is the possibility that your walls aren t straight.
Hallway plank direction as a rule laminate flooring looks best when it runs in the same direction as the long walls in a hallway.
Flooring in long narrow rooms or hallways should be laid outward from the doorway so it doesn t create a choppy appearance and it s also much easier for installation.
While personal preference is a factor the direction in which you run hardwood flooring boards is governed by visual and structural guidelines.
The direction you choose needs to transition when laying hardwood flooring throughout your home you need to take special care in choosing the direction that the wood will be placed.