No one and no company has been brought to justice for these crimes against humanity.
Directed energy weapons innocent human research victims.
The human target directed energy weapons and electronic warfare a subject that is getting more and more attention from people all over the world is deliberate electromagnetic targeting of people.
Informally the weapon is also called the heat ray since it works by heating the surface of targets such as the skin of targeted human beings.
A directed energy weapon dew is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy including laser microwaves and particle beams potential applications of this technology include weapons that target personnel missiles vehicles and optical devices.
The air force research laboratory afrl at kirtland air force base in albuquerque nm has been the principal developer of active denial technology.
There is brain research directed energy weapon effectiveness research debr by the air force cia mind control experimentation continued to name a few.
A neural rape or assault on people s bodies and brains developed from classified military technology.
Non lethal directed energy weapons using active denial technology have the potential to provide a non lethal effects at distances up to and beyond small arms range providing u s.
These contractors are paid with tax dollars to keep the whole human experimentation business going.
Both masers and lasers are forms of amplified coherent electromagnetic radiation and both frequency ranges are used in various directed energy weapons dews.
Raytheon had marketed a reduced range version of this technology.
Active denial system 2.
In the united states the pentagon darpa the air force research laboratory united states army armament research.
Official department of defense image.
The active denial system ads is a non lethal directed energy weapon developed by the u s.
Military forces with additional time and space to assess the intent of potential adversaries.
Likewise laser is the acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.