2018 directed energy test evaluation conference 16 18 january 2018 albuquerque new mexico 2017 directed energy test evaluation workshop 25 26 january 2017 el paso texas 2015 directed energy test evaluation workshop 12 15 may 2015 las vegas nevada.
Directed energy test and evaluation conference.
A collaboration between the 21st annual itea systems of systems workshop and the 19th annual directed energy t e conference co produced by itea and deps hosted by the itea roadrunner and valley of the sun chapters go here for more information tbd call for papers tbd 1 feb 2020 pre workshop tutorials separate registration required 2 4 feb 2020 workshop plenary and technical track sessions.
Contributions are solicited for presentation with a primary interest in topics that support the test and evaluation t e of directed energy weapons dew both hel and hpm hprf and activities that support the transition of dew system sub system or technology toward an operational system.
Along with advanced missiles directed energy systems also have the ability to counter enemy uavs.
Deps events new dates announced for the directed energy systems symposium 16 19 november 2020 a virtual event register today.
Cybersecurity of software enabled systems hypersonics directed energy weapons electronic warfare autonomous weapon systems artificial intelligence and additive manufacturing.
The 2018 directed energy test evaluation conference will be held on 16 18 january 2018 in albuquerque new mexico at the sheraton uptown albuquerque hotel it is jointly sponsored by the directed energy professional society and the international test evaluation association and is co located with the itea engineering workshop.
You re invited to join defense and industry experts for a three part virtual event series covering three critical directed.
As uav technology becomes established and cheaper more threats can cheaply field fleets of theses systems.
Updated june 12 2020.
Directed energy weapons have the potential to provide a low cost high capacity capabilities to defend against these emerging threats.
Sessions with this theme will explore the test evaluation methods and challenges for emerging technologies and domains including.
Although we postponed the 2020 directed energy summit due to the covid 19 outbreak we recognize this defense discussion is too important to wait so we re excited to bring insights from the planned live event directly to you in webinar form.