The prevailing wage rates are usually based on rates specified in collective bargaining agreements.
Dir determination flooring.
The effective date of each determination is ten 10 days after the issue date.
Click on the document to open view print and or save to file.
District 75 students returned to school buildings on sept.
Department of industrial relations office of the director research unit 455 golden gate avenue 9th floor san francisco ca 94102 mailing address.
A single asterisk after the expiration date of a determination indicates that no increase is required for projects advertised while that determination is in effect the determination remains in effect until it is canceled modified or superseded by a new determination by the director of industrial relations.
For questions regarding occupational injuries and illnesses please send your inquiries to blssurvey dir ca gov.
Some dir offices are closed due to local shelter in place orders.
The general determinations are issued twice a year february 22nd and august 22nd and go into effect ten days thereafter march 3rd in a leap year and march 4th in a non leap year for determinations issued on february 22nd and september 1st for.
The installation of ladders handrails walkways platforms gangways catwalks made of wood and their bracing as well as shoring and lagging.
Carpenters wage increase 7 1 2020 carpenters san diego wage increase 7 1 2020 cement masons wage increase 7 1 2020.
Includes shift pay determinations.
Install pallet racks and metal shelving.
A single asterisk after the expiration date of a determination indicates that no increase is required for projects advertised while that determination is in effect the determination remains in effect until it is canceled modified or superseded by a new determination by the director of industrial relations.
Box 420603 san francisco ca 94142 0603 important notice to awarding bodies all interested parties regarding changes to the director s general prevailing wage determinations.
Wage rates labor bulletins wage rates labor bulletins are available below in pdf format viewable with free adobe acrobat reader.
The early reopening date was fraught for many members of district 75 which had received less attention over the summer from the doe than other community school districts before the uft stepped in to compel the city to take action.
2020 2 general prevailing wage determinations menu journeyman 2020 2 general prevailing wage apprentice determinations menu.
Install doors wood and metal windows bucks and their bracing including hardware in building framework.
California is issuing regular updates on covid 19 including coronavirus resources for california employers and workers compiled by the labor workforce development agency.
Visit the dwc and dlse webpages for up to date details on closures and alternative options for service.
Includes shift pay determinations.