While mat percentile calculator is based upon your relative performance in actual mat 2020 february exam paper based test or computer based test.
Difference between tancet and mat.
The difference between these two exam are.
The exam is usually conducted in the month of june ever.
There is a great difference between mat score and percentile calculation.
Well cat is for mba whereas tancet exam is for mba as well as for mca pursing under anna university affiliation.
Having understood the formats of these exams now let s have a look at the key differences between these exams with the help of a table.
Both are different from each other in certain way.
The difference between an mat and me degree is based in the learning objectives and career aspirations of the students who enroll in the programs.
Typically those working towards a mat degree are trying to advance their careers in teaching and gain practical expertise in lesson instruction and working with children.
In your mat score card you will find three types of score scaled score percentile and composite score.
Tamil nadu common entrance test tancet is a state level examination conducted by anna university for admissions to mtech march mplan me mba and mca in different colleges in tamil nadu.