What is dpc what is tie beam what is floor beam what is top beam construction of plinth beam dpc tie beam and floor beam.
Difference between dpc and german floor.
Oversite concrete is often reffered to as german floor by the laymen others mistook it for dpc however oversite concrete is the mass concrete that you pour to cover the entire lenght and breadth of a building on the ground floor to serve as a source of additional support to the structural stability of a building especially storey buildings.
Looking to try and get some more internal height will this cause any damp etc.
Screed come to lower than the dpc brick.
Not sure what any of these are.
Floors and flooring 1.
10 27 2014 1 prepared by.
5 when there is cracking on the block wall for non major cracks the german floor can serve as a breaking point that will stop blocks from extending crack lines into the other parts of the building.
Floor covering is a term to generically describe any finish material applied over a floor structure to provide a walking surface.
The difference between a membrane cavity flashing and damp proof course dpc 11 9 2018 5 comments when it comes to buildings that have been damaged by water there are three methods of repair an engineering consultant can use these are either a membrane cavity flashing or damp proof course.
A damp proof course is a membrane inserted in the wall of a building to prevent moisture from rising above it.
Civilengineers what is plinth beam.
The floor can be wherever you want it obviously even well below ground level in the case of basements so long as it is.
Flooring is the general term for a permanent covering of a floor or for the work of installing such a floor covering.
The perimeter is 50 feet by 80 feet but there is 33 feet by 14 6 that will not have a german floor on it right in the center.
It is a requirement that the dpc is at least 150mm above ground level.
I want to know how many tons of granite sharp sand or stone dust undecided yet and cement i will need.
Engr fazal e jalal 2.
I m building an out house can the internal floor level be lower than the external dpc level.
It is called a course because wall construction used to consist of courses rows of bricks laid in succession on each ot.
That is if the crack is up then it may not extend beyond the german floor towards the foundation and if the minor crack is from blocks under the german floor it may not extend beyond it.