So that section will be easily taken care of.
Difference between cat and mat syllabus.
Cat and mat are two of the most popular mba entrance exams for admissions to mba pgdm courses in india.
Difference between cat and gmat syllabus.
Questions in cat are much difficult from those of mat.
I had finished my graduate but due to som medical reason i didnt attend my 5th sem exam on nov i am going to attend my exam can i try for cat exam this year and join for mba on next acadamic year.
In this article we will discuss the syllabus of cat and gmat and their differences and similarities.
Difference between cat mat and cmat.
Key differentiators between cat and mat cat is a mandatory entrance exam conducted by the iim s.
Cat is difficult as compared to mat.
Cat has no such subjective paper.
While cat score is accepted by the 20 iims and more than 1000 b schools in india more than 600 management institutes offer admissions on basis of mat scores.
Course wise there is no difference in the syllabus of two only the level of questions are different.
Having understood the formats of these exams now let s have a look at the key differences between these exams with the help of a table.
Read here difference between cat and mat.
Mat is the easier version.
Does preparing cat helpful to mat.
Difference in syllabus between cat and mat.
Since you have chosen to prepare please focus on cat only it covers the preparation for mat.
This is the first stage in the admission process to all the six iims which is followed by group discussion and personnel interview.
The verbal part of gmat consists of 3 sections namely reading comprehension critical reasoning sentence c.
The biggest difference between cat syllabus and gmat syllabus is the section analytical writing assessment.
We hope that after learning the points mentioned above you will be able to understand the difference between cmat and mat.
Cat mat and gmat are famous management entrance tests whose.