How to recognize congoleum nairn floor tiles linoleum or resilient sheet flooring that may contain asbestos fibers.
Did congloium no wax sheet flooring from 1980 contain asbestos.
Dry asbestos particles are lighter than air wet ones are less prone to become air borne.
Asbestos was used in vinyl wallpaper from the 1920s and in the vinyl floor tiles and sheet flooring that rose to prominence in the 1950s.
We are told.
It can be in the flooring or the glue holding the flooring down.
Asbestos vinyl sheet flooring has two layers a top layer of vinyl and a bottom layer made from paper that contains asbestos.
Stain proof fireproof stylish and affordable vinyl products strengthened through the inclusion asbestos in their manufacture were a very popular choice in many new zealand houses.
In 2010 it established a trust fund with 270 million to handle asbestos claims.
Any mastic type glue is also suspicious.
On 2018 12 18 by mod dt your stone chip flooring looks a lot like an asbestos containing sheet flooring pattern sold in north america at least in the 1960 s.
The wondrous new no wax flooring sold by companies such as congoleum put a glossy sheen on post war american prosperity.
The company faced asbestos litigation that forced it into bankruptcy in 2003.
Vinyl floor tiles and their underlying adhesive may also contain asbestos.
The corporation is still in operation today and halted production of asbestos products in the 1980s after facing several lawsuits due to exposure from their asbestos containing floor tiles.
The article gives safety and asbestos testing advice for.
We also include photographs for identification of known asbestos containing resilient sheet flooring as well as unknown flooring submitted for identification.
I believe congoleum would be the most likely to have asbestos in the flooring itself.
This article describes sheet flooring products known to contain significant levels of asbestos.
Asbestos containing sheet flooring or resilient flooring product identification.
They are also credited for their introduction of no wax floors and chemically embossed vinyl tiles into the market.
Asbestos has been used in vinyl wallpaper since the 1920s and vinyl floor tiles and sheet flooring rose to prominence in the 1950s.
We include photographs of congoleum nairn asbestos containing floor tiles sheet flooring linoleum and resilient floor coverings as well as photos of products that have been confirmed as asbestos free.
On 2018 12 18 by dt rdj.
Asbestos vinyl sheet flooring can be more dangerous to remove than tiles if proper precautions are not practiced.
Vinyl sheets may have asbestos backing paper and while safe in place removal can cause high levels of asbestos dust.
See details at 1950 congoleum gold seal sheet flooring no asbestos.
On 2019 03 23 by brianastevens86 gmail.
Its fairly easy to have it tested.
If your flooring was installed before the mid 80s and is now well worn it is best removed professionally or simply covered over.