Collins english dictionary complete unabridged 2012 digital edition william collins sons co.
Dictionary laminate flooring.
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Many translated example sentences containing laminate flooring french english dictionary and search engine for french translations.
How to use laminate in a sentence.
Laminate definition is to roll or compress into a thin plate.
Flooring definition a floor.
Ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb for example a singing bird it is singing laminated v past verb past simple.
Suggest as a translation of laminate flooring.
Inflections of laminate v.
Laminate synonyms laminate pronunciation laminate translation english dictionary definition of laminate.
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Laminate translation to spanish pronunciation and forum discussions.
10 march 5 2005 commissions canada border services agency special import measures act certain laminate flooring decision on february 16 2005 the president canada border services agency cbsa made a preliminary determination of dumping pursuant to subsection 38 1 of the special import measures act sima.
Wikipedia lexilogos larousse dictionary le robert oxford grévisse.
Any material that is made by sticking several layers of the same material together.
French translation of laminate the official collins english french dictionary online.
Laminate flooring translation in english french dictionary.
Plastic laminate flooring contains very little actual wood see figure b.
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Lam i nat ed lam i nat ing lam i nates v.
With reverso you can find the english translation definition or synonym for laminate and thousands of other words.
Laminate definition to separate or split into thin layers.
Conjugate laminates v 3rd person singular laminating v pres p verb present participle.
Over 100 000 french translations of english words and phrases.