Thanks for the replies.
Diablo 3 auto loot crafting mats.
They can make use of everything from the teeth and hooves of slain beasts to scraps of leather salvaged from discarded armor.
Auto loot deaths breath.
I fail to see the qol here.
I know it still serves the fantasy of the cube but it is still just another window to open instead of taking the items out of the stash.
Artisans require an array of materials recovered from the wilderness to craft their wares.
Seeing as crafting truly takes off at level 70 i suppose it s better to don t spend too much money and too many materials until then.
I ll craft something here and there when i feel i m falling behind and random loot isn t providing me good stuff.
About the crafting mat storage.
That would be the reason.
Given how fast the kill speed of some games go and how often valuable crafting materials are buried underneath a sea of relatively worthless rares it d be nice if my toon automatically picked these up rather than me clicking through all.
This is the subreddit community for diablo 3 and its expansion developed by blizzard.
Db and all crafting materials should be auto pickup by you or your pet just like gold.
It was only later on that vacuum pickup was introduced where if you click on a gem then you also pickup all nearby gems.
Auto pickup of gold has been in diablo 3 since initial launch back in 2012.
I d expect about half the items that are picked up are mats.
I disagree use all the mats to keep yourself upgraded.
Pick up enough for 500 and it.
I think it s 500 for craft mats.
Ultimate evil edition xbox 360.
Some of mine auto stacked but others wouldn t.
Reducing loot pickup in a loot based game is a questionable design decision.
By making crafting mats auto pickup you would reduce the amount of items that you pick up by a lot.
Do i still have to open the pane take out everything for a cube recipe by hand and press cube.
Auto loot deaths breath.
This would be a qol change for me.
I m just wondering if blizzard s implemented an option enabling the automatic pick up of crafting materials on the ptr.
Come and join the discussion.
How good of a reason that is is questionable as well.
I drop all on the ground.
We had to manually click on materials and gems to pick them up.
Ultimate evil edition on the playstation 4 a gamefaqs message board topic titled so i thought that pets were supposed to pick up crafting mats.
Anyone know how to stack crafting items in the stash.