37 to 153 95 avg level requirement.
Diablo 2 matriarch.
35 to 66 50 5 avg melee damage.
This means killing diablo in diablo ii d2c or d2 classic and killing baal in diablo ii.
65 see also.
The matriarchal bow is the elite version of the stag bow.
The patriarch is a unique great sword from diablo ii.
The matriarchal pike is the elite version of the maiden pike in the diablo ii.
25 number of sockets.
Amazon javelins will also receive an auto mod that will increase her javelin and spear skills by 1 to 3.
Amazon polearms will also receive an auto mod that will increase her javelin and spear skills by 1 to 3.
30 to 54 42 avg level requirement.
187 number of sockets.
Very fast quality level.
The matriarchal javelin is the elite version of the maiden javelin.
Amazon bows will also receive an auto mod that will increase her bow and crossbow skills by 1 to 3.
Titles are earned by defeating the game on each difficulty level normal nightmare and hell.
28 number of sockets.
53 see also stag bow normal ashwood bow exceptional blood raven s charge unique.
81 see also maiden.
Amazon polearms will also receive an auto mod that will increase her javelin and spear skills by 1 to 3.
61 see also maiden spear normal.
65 to 95 80 avg level requirement.
The matriarchal spear is the elite version of the maiden spear.
The last normal unique sword the patriarch is a hulking sword that s purely offensive in nature.