Establishing vinyl records value is an inexact science and there are a number of factors that go into determining whether a given record is something that will bring a lot of money from a collector or something that would best be used as a place mat.
Destroying a vinyl record.
Vinyl records were created decades ago with the first developed around the time of 1890 according to 78rpm.
These cleaners are far too abrasive for records and can destroy the vinyl.
Place the record on a cleaning mat.
It just sounds better on vinyl.
Destroying vinyl the st33 destroying vinyl series now has four posts well one s another page so to save you hunting through the archives here are links to them all.
Records were the only way to listen to recorded music until cassette tapes became available.
Build or expand your collection with popular pre orders new releases and best selling vinyl.
Care and maintenance.
As to helping reduce friction while playing records the last record preservative is an effective and longtime standard of record collectors.
You can buy these mats at record stores and they are generally made out of cork or another soft material.
The photo above is from a demonstration video on what happens to a pile of records if you leave them in the sun in 103 degree temperatures.
In this post we ll go over a number of factors that may determine the value of a particular.
Early vinyl records spun at an rpm speed of 78 until 1949 when 45 and 33 rpm s were developed.
Use only products labelled as a vinyl record cleaner such as the basic and inexpensive discwasher cleaner or use a professional strength record cleaning solution for deep cleaning.
Getting started with vinyl.