Renewable energy progress as on 31 07 2020.
Department of renewable energy government of karnataka.
Draft karnataka energy efficiency and conservation policy 2015 19.
The karnataka renewable energy policy 2009 14 shall come into effect from the date of its publication in the official gazette and will remain in force till 2014 or until further orders.
Government of karnataka gok is a pioneer in leveraging information and communication technology ict for better.
Available potential in mw.
Government orders letter of awards issued for re projects.
Karnataka renewable energy development limited kredl is an organization working under the purview of energy department government of karnataka.
Karnataka has an installed electricity generating capacity of about 33282 15 mw out of which 13942 37 mw is from.
Karnataka has about 86792 mw of estimated renewable energy re potential making it one of the country s top five re rich states.
To provide 24 hours power supply to all by the year 2020.
This order issues in consultation with finance department forest environment ec0100.
Procedure for allotment of re power projects.
2 though all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the content on this website the same should not be construed as a statement of law or used for any legal purposes.
Karnataka renewable policy 2009 14 as detailed in the annexure.
Hon ble chief minister govt.
Regional office dharwad 1st floor aralikatti building 3rd main sanmati nagar kelgeri road dharwad 580008 phone.
Welcome to the energy department our vision.
Committed to make karnataka self reliant.
Karnataka is endowed with renewable energy potential like wind hydro solar energy resources etc.
Form 9.
1 this website is designed developed and maintained by name of department government of india.
Improving the efficiency of electricity companies.
Contact details karnataka renewable energy development ltd.