The department of energy doe has one of the richest and most diverse histories in the federal government.
Department of energy grants 2017.
Department of energy announces next round of public private partnership awards to advance fusion energy learn more.
This week s edition of federal funding spotlight features opportunities from the department of the interior department of energy usaid and the national science foundation.
Department of energy announces 29 million in fusion energy technology development learn more.
Water and energy efficiency grants.
Control tables a longer summarization of the request at the decision.
Summary tables a short summarization of the request by appropriation account and by first tier organization.
Federal government agencies support a variety of research and development grants.
Current funding grants loans and technical assistance from federal agencies to federally recognized indian tribes and alaska native villages.
Budget in brief a high level narrative summarization of the department s budget request.
Past doe funding a list of past u s.
Posted on january 20 2017 september 20 2017 by grants gov.
Doe awards 20 million for research on rare earth elements learn more.
Although only in existence since 1977 the department traces its lineage to the manhattan project effort to develop the atomic bomb during world war ii and to the various energy related programs that previously had been dispersed throughout various federal agencies.
The following documents reflect the fy 2017 department of energy s budget request to congress.
18 2016 federal register notice.
Department of energy funding opportunities for indian tribes and alaska native villages.