Sixth floor f 8 studium stone.
Delkfutt s tower 5th floor.
Next head to the 10th floor in upper delkfutt s tower kill gigas wallwatchers gigas stonemasons or gigas kettlemasters to get a delkfutt s chest key.
Ninth floor g 8 upper delkfutt s tower.
On the fifth floor head to h 9 to the sixth floor then head to the teleporter in f 10.
If you don t be sure to register it after.
The guiding bell is hidden somewhere inside delkfutt s tower.
Tenth floor g 9 beneath the stair case leading to the eleventh floor.
It is given by imasuke an npc located in port jeuno just before the exit into qufim island and requires jeuno reputation level 4.
In g 6 you ll find a teleporter.
It is given by imasuke an npc located in port jeuno just before the exit into qufim island and requires jeuno reputation level 4.
Eighth floor i 8 caritas stone.
Timed spawn every 12 minutes at h 8 tenth floor.
Seventh floor h 9 amoris stone.
Bring your delkfutt keys obtained during your nation s 3 3 rank mission to avoid walking up the tower.
Some paths are blocked so you ll have to take a roundabout path.
Name family job min level max level detection a l number type app.
Watch out for dolls and pots that aggro to magic.
Delkfutt s tower is comprised of four zones.
Completing the quest the antique collector will reward you with the map of delkfutt s tower.
Head to delkfutt s tower in qufim where you will need to climb up to the tenth floor and fight the nm giant porphyrion.
Delkfutt s tower is comprised of four zones.
Upper delkfutt s tower map 5 upper delkfutt s tower map 6 related links.
Then head to j 9 to get to the stairs to the third floor.
Completing the quest the antique collector will reward you with the map of delkfutt s tower.
Talk to brutus at g 7 in the chocobo stables of upper jeuno to start this quest.
Middle delkfutt s tower map 6 related links to link to other pages within the wiki or to cite sources replace this text with relevant information and fill in the placeholders below.
Head to the stairs in i 7 to the fifth floor.
Head up the stairs to the 11th floor.
You re now in middle delkfutt s tower.
In upper delkfutt s tower on the 10th floor assuming you took the elevator go through the cermet door at h 7 and hug the left wall til you come to another cermet door at f 8.
It is suggested that you have the map of qufim island which can be purchased in lower jeuno and the map of delkfutt s tower which is obtained from the quest the antique collector.
Fourth floor h 10 felicitas stone.
Brutus wants you to bring it back for his deceased chocobo.
Bats null 27 29 sound gigas bonecutter.
The first three are each split into multiple floors.
If you have the upper delkfutt tower home point 1 take it it ll take you right to the elevator to the stellar fulcrum and get right to the fight.
Gigas bst 34 35.
Talk to aldo in the tenshodo inside the neptune spire inn in lower jeuno.