12 21 1 a 5 for floor area ratio the area of rooms containing equipment or machinery incidental to and integral with the operation of the building shall be excluded from the floor area.
Definition of floor area ratio los angeles.
Height is usually controlled in terms of both the number of floors a building can have and its height in feet.
A ratio establishing relationship between a property and the amount of development permitted for that property and is expressed as a percentage or a ratio of the buildable area or lot size example.
Background summary the current floor area ratio far for single family zones in the hillside area is still 3 times the buildable area lot size minus setbacks.
The modified single family zone regulations include changes to several definitions in lamc section 12 03 including the definition of floor area residential other modifications pertain to residential floor area bonus options the allowable residential floor area ratio in the r1 zone other area regulations in the r1 zone and grading and.
Floor area ratio far.
However the area of rooms or perhaps entire buildings containing equipment or machinery information bulletin public building code.
Controls how tall a building can be.
The floor area ratio is the relationship between the total amount of usable floor area that a building has or has been permitted to have and the total area of the lot on which the building stands.
Controls how large a building can be based on how large the property is.
Far is expressed as a decimal number and is derived by dividing the total area of the building by the total area of the parcel building area lot area.
For example a 2 500 square foot house on a 5 000 square foot lot has an far of 0 50 2 500 divided by 5 000.
The height district specifies the maximum building height and permitted floor area allowed on a property.
The area in square feet confined within the exterior walls of a building but not including the area of the following.
The definition of floor area in section 12 03 of the los angeles municipal code is amended to read.
The floor area ratio far is the size of the building divided by the size of the lot.
Exterior walls stairways shafts rooms housing building operating equipment or machinery parking areas.
Floor area ratio far is the measurement of a building s floor area in relation to the size of the lot parcel that the building is located on.
10 section 12 03 definition of a family 12 section 12 03 community care faculties 13 section 12 03 definition frontage 18.
Section 12 03 ground floor additions 8 section 12 03 accessory uses of a church community oriented uses 9 section 12 03 building area for a development combining residential and commercial uses.