Excise definition is an internal tax levied on the manufacture sale or consumption of a commodity.
Definition of excise in ceramics.
A licensing charge or a fee levied for certain privileges.
Excises on tobacco liquor and long distance telephone calls.
How to use exercise in a sentence.
Ek sīz avoid the misspelling exise.
This term designates such products as china porcelain semi vitreousware and earthenware.
Slit saw score nick slice collins english thesaurus 3.
Text for h r 5717 116th congress 2019 2020.
How to use excise in a sentence.
A using tools with pointed heads of different sizes you can free handedly indent a design into the clay as shown in the above illustration.
Gun violence prevention and community safety act of 2020.
Excise definition an internal tax or duty on certain commodities as liquor or tobacco levied on their manufacture sale or consumption within the country.
Another word for cut.
B to mark a design onto soft clay first draw the design on thin paper lay it on top of the clay and with a very thin piece of wood with a slightly rounded head go over the design.
The scratching of the clay surface prior to applying slip so that the slip penetrates the clay and bonds the two pieces better.
Ex cise 1 ĕk sīz n.
A mixture of clay and water in the consistency of mush that acts like a glue when it is put between two pieces of clay.
A fired ware consisting of a glazed or unglazed ceramic body which is commonly white and of fine texture.
An internal tax imposed on the production sale or consumption of a commodity or the use of a service within a country.