Found in early medieval manuscripts.
Definition of carpet page.
Carpet synonyms carpet pronunciation carpet translation english dictionary definition of carpet.
This may have been intentional.
England and ireland c.
Carpet pages are a characteristic feature of insular illuminated manuscripts they are pages of mainly geometrical ornamentation which may include repeated animal forms typically placed at the beginning of each of the four gospels in gospel books the designation carpet page is used to describe those pages in christian islamic or jewish illuminated manuscripts that contain little or no.
A concave triangular section of a hemisphere.
Carpet pages are a characteristic feature of insular illuminated manuscripts they are pages of mainly geometrical ornamentation which may include repeated animal forms typically placed at the beginning of each of the four gospels in gospel books the designation carpet page is used to describe those pages in christian islamic or jewish illuminated manuscripts that contain little or no.
A thick heavy covering for a floor usually made of woven wool or synthetic fibers especially one covering the entire surface of the floor.
Four of these in a square shape support a dome.
Purse cover from sutton hoo cross and carpet page chi rho iota page from the book of kells.
The decorated pages at the beginning of each gospel are known as carpet pages because they look like oriental rugs.
Ornamented cross pages commonly called carpet pages filled with ribbon interlace and wonderfully intertwined beasts and large initial letters.
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