Synonym discussion of rugged.
Define rugged synonym.
The rugged face of the old sailor.
Understand rugged meaning and enrich your vocabulary.
126 synonyms of rugged from the merriam webster thesaurus plus 279 related words definitions and antonyms.
Another word for rough.
Rugged definition is having a rough uneven surface.
Rugged synonyms and antonyms in the english synonyms dictionary see also ragged rule ruse rummage definition.
Another word for rugged.
114 synonyms of tough from the merriam webster thesaurus plus 221 related words definitions and antonyms.
Able to withstand hardship strain or exposure.
How to use rugged in a sentence.
Another word for rugged.
Find another word for tough.
Rocky broken rough craggy difficult collins english thesaurus.
Find another word for rugged.
Rugged definition having a roughly broken rocky hilly or jagged surface.