Matted out unknown when you leave everyone at the party to go passout in your with your clothes still on and not realy saying anything.
Define matted out.
Meted out given out in portions apportioned dealt out doled out parceled out distributed spread out or scattered about or divided up based on.
His matted hair still clung stubbornly to his skull smoothing the sweat matted hair off his brow she felt her despair ebb away in the face of her growing determination.
Gaz is matted 3 i hate picking hair out of drains it s matted.
Pushing her matted hair off her forehead she got out of bed his bony limbs still had the tatters of his clothes hanging from them.
Gaz got his cock out and put in on my shoulder steve.
A garden matted with weeds.
Matted not reflecting light.
1 someone is ugly is matted 2 someone who has done something that is sick in the gross sense 3 something that is nasty dirty or filthy 1 she is matted 2 daz.
Matted definition covered with a dense growth or a tangled mass.